1、去百度文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:教育教学文库 万能主持稿开场白 篇一:五种万能演讲开场白:第一秒就抓住观众 五种万能演讲开场白:第一秒就抓住观众 Ban the banalities that bog down most speech openings. Defer the customary“nice-to-be-here”platitudes. Direct your audience more into fawning than yawning over your speech opening. How 大部分演讲的开头都总是被那些陈词滥调拖入冷场,这是你应该避免的。
3、怎样让你的开场白赢得众人的喝彩而不是让观众昏昏欲睡呢? Start your speech better by diving in! Instead of gingerly dipping your toes into the proverbial speaking pool, open with a splash! Pattern your platform performance after the TEASE opening which Saturday Night Live has made famous for more than 25 years. 开始演讲时,你最好像跳水一样直奔主题开门见山,而不是小心翼翼地像用你的脚趾探入池塘一般溅起一点点水花!你可以模仿因周六夜现场(美国的一档喜剧节目)而流行了25多年的逗笑式的开场白来开始你的台上表演。
4、 First, TEASE your audience from the second you openyour mouth.And open their eyes to something new, different, and even entertaining. Pique their interest. Immerse your audience into the action from the opening second with a verbal splash of cold water. With a powerful。